F/Stop 2008 2nd International Photographyfestival

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Grafikdesigner David Voss entstand das Corporate Design für das vom "Zentrum für Zeitgenössische Fotografie Leipzig" initiierte 2. Internationale Festival für Fotografie Leipzig F/Stop 2008. Im Rahmen des Festivaldesigns entstand die Schrift F/Stop 08.

The festival design for the 2nd International Photographyfestival Leipzig F/Stop 2008, hosted by the "Zentrum für Zeitgenössische Fotografie Leipzig", was designed in collaboration with the graphic designer David Voss.
for the festival I designed the font F/Stop 08.

F/Stop 08 Poster

F/Stop 08 Flyer, Advertisements, Banner, Invitation & CD

F/Stop 08 Letterhead, Business Card & Stamp

F/Stop 08 special supplement for the Leipziger Volkszeitung

During the change over from the F/Stop design 2007 to the design of 2008, flyer, postcards and exhibition plates had a temporary design.

F/Stop 08 Temporary Design